Saturday, August 13, 2022


Energy technology aims to help generate, store and transmit energy for a variety of purposes. Common examples of energy technology include:

Solar panels

Solar panels use energy from the sun's rays to generate power. People use these panels to power things such as buildings, homes, outdoor lighting systems, water heating systems and more. Solar panels are a form of renewable energy, which is becoming a more popular form of energy generation due to its lack of carbon emissions.

Wind turbines

Wind turbines use propellers to generate wind energy. They are typically tall pillars located in open plains or within the ocean where winds are strongest and generate the most energy. As propellers spin, they generate energy, which the turbine then stores in a battery or transmits directly to a desired source.


Batteries store energy for later consumption, and people use these to power other forms of technology such as a television remote. They range in size—from small batteries in items such as watches to larger batteries for use inside cars or large solar panel installations. There have been great improvements in battery technology recently, with batteries now having the ability to store more energy for longer periods of time.


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